What's nice about the weekends? So many things. 

A chance to regroup. Reset. Reconnect with family, friends. Take a pause. Reflect. 

And damn straight, put on your dancing shoes. 

But it's also a great time to look at the week ahead and make dates with yourself. 1 hour time blocks each day where you can #FindTheHour and focus solely on the work that matters to  you. 

If you schedule it now, today, you have something to aspire to. 

Every Sunday night at 5:00 I've got an alarm that goes off reminding me of this. It's some of the most important work I do all week. 

                            My current streak. Squares represent Days I've missed.  Oh well. Get back on the horse. 

                            My current streak. Squares represent Days I've missed.  Oh well. Get back on the horse. 

Want to let me buy you coffee? Email me. 

AuthorChris Donaldson